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Client: Backaldrin Österreich – The Kornspitz Company GmbH (A)

Project: PANEUM – Wunderkammer des Brotes, Asten (A)

October 2017


From Kneading to Wonder


In the beginning of the baking process there is dough, which needs to be worked in order for it to turn into perfect bread. What applies to the production of bread also applies to the presentation of the historic art collection in the PANEUM.
Its starting point was the collection itself as the “dough“, which was worked, kneaded and turned until a unique mixture of art came into being.

The concept is derived from the basic idea of the kneading of dough. Just as dough does not have a clearly defined shape, as it changes depending on the ingredients and is transformed in the production process, the exhibition idea should also develop amorphously. Instead of a chronologically or geographically oriented presentation, an open, expansive portrayal of the themes was placed, thus allowing for an open and flexible reception. 
These additional ingredients gave the exhibition a whole new twist: 
it became a mix of discovery and information, amazement, and the transfer of professional knowledge.
From here, the leap to the classic model of a Wunderkammer was a small one. Originating in 16th century Italy as “gabinetto delle curiosita” or “mirabilia”, the Wunderkammer displayed rarities, exotica and curiosities, often with nothing more in common than the person collecting them. It was about the perspective that the collector had, the knowledge of the objects displayed, as well as telling the stories that came with them.

The PANEUM, therefore, stands in the tradition of the classic Wunderkammer, dedicated to a feeling that is so deep it burns in the heart and in the mind – the feeling of wonder.
The Wunderkammer has always been and still remains an experience that touches all the senses.
The Element of Surprise – “Not strictly scientific criteria, but colourfulness and a unique blend distinguish the collection in the PANEUM.
That is why we have dusted off the Wunderkammer concept and combined an unexpected mix of very different objects, a somewhat different kind of knowledge transfer and a completely extraordinary architectural framework. What follows from this is an element of surprise that opens not only mouths but also minds.”
Photo © Lukas Dostal
Photo © Lukas Dostal


exhibition concept & -design, signage system




Architecture: Coop-Himmelb(l)au


Special Thanks to:

Backaldrin, P.Augendopler Sen., P. Augensdopler jun.,

Stefan Hutter, Prof. Sandgruber, Klaus Bernhard (†)

Coop-Himmelb(l)au, Wolf D. Prix, Stefan Sobl, Friedrich Hähle